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Sport NI Club Leaders Training Programme

Sport NI Club Leaders Training Programme Cricket Ireland / Sport NI Sport Northern Ireland has launched its ‘Club Leaders’ programme, designed to support the development of business skills in local sports clubs. Free training and support is available for those...

Busy Close Season for Youth Cricket in the NCU

Busy Close Season for Youth Cricket in the NCU NCU Representative Cricket Directorate In September all clubs were written to asking for nominations for the youth winter programme.  From the 18 clubs who responded, 134 children were nominated all of whom were invited...

NCU holds coaching sessions for 7, 8 and 9 year olds

NCU holds coaching sessions for 7, 8 and 9 year olds David MortonNCU PRO In a new venture the NCU this winter have organised coaching for boys from P4 and P5 who have been nominated by their clubs.  The 20 boys who have been nominated are from 7 clubs and 12 different...

NCU Regional Development Squads announced

NCU Regional Development Squads announced David MortonNCU PRO The Northern Cricket Union’s Representative Cricket Directorate have announced the Regional Development Squads for 2014. Following eleven weeks of extensive coaching and training sessions pre...