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Club Life Development Weekend

Club Life Development Weekend NCU The NCU are running another Club Life Development Weekend. This has been scheduled for 6th and 7th April and will take place at Ulster University, Jordanstown. (Click on the picture on the left to enlarge) More details: DAY ONE...

Billy Boyd

Billy Boyd NCU Billy Boyd whose death was announced today gave a lifetime of service to local cricket. A lifelong member of Lurgan Rugby Football and Cricket Club which he served as President and of which, at the time of his passing was Club Chairman. At provincial...

NCU League Secretaries Wanted

NCU League Secretaries Wanted NCU The NCU’s Competitions Committee has had a number of retirements since last season and urgently needs a number of people to act as League Secretaries for the 2019 season. If you think you could help or want some information on...

NCU confirm dates for Coach Education Courses

NCU confirm dates for Coach Education Courses NCU NOTE: The Coaching Kids 5-11 Years Course is now fully subscribed Cricket Ireland recently announced two new coaching courses designed to encourage people interested in getting into cricket coaching or looking to...