NCU JobStart Scheme vacancies

Apr 21, 2022 | General News

The NCU has vacancies for three posts that are available for anyone aged under 25 under the JobStart Scheme.

JobStart is a new scheme, run by the Department for Communities, to help young people who are at risk of long term unemployment, aged 16 to 24 years, get into the job market by offering six month job opportunities with a range of employers, in all sectors across Northern Ireland.

It will help you develop your employment skills so that by the end of the six months you may:

  • be offered a job by the employer
  • have the skills and experience to help you find another job
  • progress into further education or training opportunities

The three vacancies that the NCU are looking to fill are:

Office Administrator
Marketing Assistant
Community Cricket Development Coach

Click on each of the links above to find out more about each of the jobs and how to apply.