Young Cricketers Preparation for 2020 Underway

Apr 1, 2020 | Youth News

Young Cricketers Preparation for 2020 Underway

Richard White

As the 2019 cricket season becomes a memory, preparation for the 2020 season has now commenced, with the Northern Cricket Union (NCU) facilitating a number of different winter initiatives for boys and girls in their respective age categories.

Coaching Camps

The NCU received over 350 applications, from over twenty five cricket clubs, for boys and girls aged 8-17, to attend in excess of 70 coaching sessions at the University of Ulster Jordanstown Campus, Wallace High School, Lisburn and Campbell College, Belfast. With the help of over thirty coaches these sessions commenced on Sunday 13th October.

Performance Groups

Initial training squads have been selected for Under 11, 13, 15, and 17’s with each age group receiving four dedicated sessions between now and Christmas.

Specialist workshops

In conjunction with Cricket Ireland, the NCU is running specialist workshops for pace bowling, spin bowling and wicketkeeping. Sixty-six boys and girls from the NCU Pathway Programme have been invited to over 24 hours of specialist coaching before Christmas.

The Northern Cricket Union is grateful for the use of the three facilities to provide the young cricketers with the opportunity to enhance their skills during the winter months, and to the dedication of the participants, their parents, and the coaches.