Some reminders from the NCU to its clubs

Mar 3, 2020 | Uncategorised

Some reminders from the NCU to its clubs


Clubs who have not collected their rule books and team cards can still do so by making arrangements to collect from me. A small supply is also available from the Cricket Office at Stormont.

It is not the responsibility of umpires to supply team cards.

Result sheets must be completed using the names that players are registered under. League secretaries are having to spend a lot of time checking registrations by clubs after different names are used on result forms.

Players playing under different names from that which is used for registration may lead to loss of points and a fine.

Payment of first invoices must be made by 31st May. A 5% fine will be levied after that date.

The closing date for claims under the Club Facility Fund is 30 June 2019. Unclaimed grants after this date will be reallocated.

Bryan Milford
General Secretary