North Down Cricket Club – Clubmark

Mar 3, 2020 | Uncategorised

North Down Cricket Club – Clubmark

Callum Atkinson

North Down Cricket Club has been rewarded for their on-going hard work, particularly in regard to their club development, by having their Cricket Ireland Clubmark NI Accreditation Scheme renewed until 2022.

Clubmark NI is the quality standard for junior sports clubs in Northern Ireland. The programme aims to identify, develop, accredit and recognise high quality operational standards in junior sports clubs and the contribution that they make to the development of sport in Northern Ireland.

To gain Level 1 Accreditation status, clubs are required to evidence compliance with the core Clubmark NI criteria and sport specific criteria:

  1. Effective Management – well managed clubs will be committed to ongoing development, and will implement measures to ensure that the club will continue to progress and to retain quality standards.
  2. Quality Coaching and Competition – clubs should take their lead from their sport’s governing body and should be compliant with their guidelines.
  3. Safety in Sport – a commitment to provide appropriate and enjoyable sporting activities in safe environments. Key safety issues include: safeguarding children, first aid, codes of conduct.

All this ensures that North Down CC prioritises the development and promotion of the club’s infrastructures, both on and off the playing field.

Ryan Haire, North Down CC said “North Down CC are delighted to have renewed our Clubmark accreditation an award which is recognised by sport as the only good practice measure of coaching, club management and good practice. Having been the first cricket club to achieve the award in 2010 we can attest to the relevance of Clubmark in terms of cricket development.

Practically we are using Clubmark to plan our cricket provision and outreach with a particular emphasis on getting children involved in the game for the first time alongside their families. Clubmark therefore goes hand in hand with our aims and highlights the good work we are doing at NDCC in a safe and structured manner. We would like to thank the NCU and SportNI for their support in achieving the award and hope to work closely with all partners to develop our sport at a local level now and in future years“.

Sport Northern Ireland value the essential and significant role that sports clubs play in the development of sport, providing outlets for participation, while also providing quality environments for talented young athletes to develop. The competitive opportunities offered by clubs are yet another key opportunity for participation and development.