Northern Ireland Kwik Cricket Finals Day sparkles in the sun

Mar 2, 2020 | Uncategorised

Northern Ireland Kwik Cricket Finals Day sparkles in the sun

David Morton

The 2014 Northern Ireland Kwik Cricket Finals Day took place last Wednesday 19 June at the Stormont Grounds in Belfast.

The Tournament was played under clear blue skies with temperatures reaching upwards of 25C at times – with the weather certainly playing its part it was now over to the hundreds of young Cricketer’s in attendance to play theirs… and play they certainly did!

The Stormont ground sparkled in the sunshine as it played host to both a Boys (mixed) and Girls tournament for the third successive year running (since the introduction of a Girls tournament to the annual event back in 2012).  As a result the participation numbers have now climbed to well over 250 Primary school children taking part in the annual showcase tournament.  The numbers game also included 27 teams in attendance of which 16 of them were involved in the Boys (mixed) tournament and 11 in the Girls tournament.

Nigel Jones, Cricket Ireland’s Regional Development Officer in the North said: “It’s a fantastic annual tournament and it’s important that we recognise the hard work that has been put in from the respective schools, clubs and councils leading into such an event – through them providing opportunity for school children to participate and compete via their own respective qualifying tournaments. I would like to continue to encourage the continued growth of such tournaments and for any clubs wanting to explore hosting or running their own tournaments for the first time to please make contact with me direct. 

“On a personal note it’s very pleasing that the development work within the girl’s game is also starting to bear fruit with the increased team entry numbers climbing from 6 to 11 teams within a 12 month period.  And of course I mustn’t forget to congratulate both Inchmarlo Prep (Boys/mixed) and Eglinton Primary (Girls) on their respective titles of 2014 Champions – well done to them and all those that took part!”

For any clubs wishing to find out more information or requiring general advice about starting up their own Kwik Cricket Tournaments, please contact Nigel Jones on:

Tournament entry notes:  Qualification for the Boys (mixed) event is through club and council qualifying tournaments, where the winning school team of these individual tournaments is then offered a spot at the Northern Ireland Kwik Cricket Finals Day.  For the Girls event this is (for the majority) done through an invite process due to its immaturity – it is hoped that clubs will start to expand their participation opportunities to resource ‘Girls’ only tournaments as well, so as in time there will be a qualifying process for them too.

Photos from the day:

Nigel Jones, Cricket Ireland’s Regional Development Officer in the NCU gives a final address to participating schools before the start of the Northern Ireland Kwik Cricket Finals Day for 2014 Action from the Girls tournament The Trophies and Medals sparkle in the Stormont sun

2014 Champions in the Boys (mixed) Tournament – Inchmarlo Prep (NCU)

The 2014 Champions in the Girls Tournament – Eglinton Primary (NWCU)