NCU Representative Cricket Directorate
Knights coaches Moleon and Rogers got a first look this week at a group who aspire to be the next generation of Northern Knights.
They have taken on responsibility for a squad of 20 selected Under 17s and sessions will continue in the New Year.
In this week’s session they were assisted by Nigel Jones and Simon Johnston who have worked with these players over the last couple of years and all the coaches were impressed by the standard of skills on show in what seems to be a talented group.
After a fielding/catching session in UUJ’s expansive 3-G area there were batting and bowling workshops in Sports Hall 2 which has recently been upgraded to a 4-bay net facility.
In the coming weeks the schedule of sessions for Post-Christmas and Pre-Season will be finalised and details will be published early in the New Year
NCU Under 17 Training Squad 2013-2014