NCU Representative Cricket Directorate
The youngest of the Northern Cricket Union’s Representative Age-Groups, the Under 11s, had the first of 6 training sessions at University of Ulster, Jordanstown on Sunday 20th October.
In charge for these sessions are NCU Under 11 Coach Andy McCrea, Under 11 Manager Michael Humphreys, assisted by Hamilton Coulter, Alan Waite and Andrew Rose.
Whilst Under 11 is currently the youngest of the age-groups that play competitively both within the Union and also in Inter-Union competition, active consideration is now being given to the provision of Coaching at Under 8, Under 9 and Under 10.
The Directorate are looking at models currently in place in some County Cricket Clubs with a view to adopting best-practice in what would for us be a new area of support for Clubs.
In December the final cog of our RDS Programme will be in place with three sessions being held for selected Under 17s under the guidance of Northern Knights Coaches, Eugene Moleon, Gavin Rodgers and Development Officer Nigel Jones.