NCU Inter-provincial fixtures announced

Feb 21, 2020 | Uncategorised

NCU Inter-provincial fixtures announced

David Morton
NCU Public Relations Officer

Cricket Ireland recently announced the fixtures for the series of Inter-provincial cricket matches for 2013/14.

The Northern Cricket Union’s fixtures are as follows:

Inter-Provincial Championship

4th – 6th June NWCU -v- NCU Eglinton, NWCU
25th – 27th June LCU -v- NCU College Park, LCU
30th July – 1st Aug NCU -v- NWCU Osborne Park, NCU
27th – 29th Aug NCU -v- LCU Waringstown, NCU

Inter-Provincial One Day Trophy

Date: Fixture:  Location:
6th May Leinster Lightning -v- Northern Knights The Hills, LCU
19th May North West Warriors -v- Northern Knights Coleraine, NWCU
15th July Northern Knights -v- North West Warriors North Down, NCU
10th Aug Northern Knights -v- Leinster Lightning Waringstown, NCU

Inter-Provincial T20 Cup

Date: Fixture: Location:
21st June Round 1 Pembroke, LCU
16th July Round 2 North Down, NCU
21st July Round 3 Bready, NWCU

The Union have yet to confirm where the 3 Day match against N West will take place. As soon as this is confirmed, an update will be provided on this website.

Everyone at the Union looks forward to seeing you at these games and supporting our new inter-provincial teams.