ICC Europe
In 2010 ICC Europe launched the ICC European Groundsman Association. Membership levels have been increasing; however ICC Europe are constantly looking for more people to join.
The aim and objectives of the Association are based around three areas:
Education – ICC Europe are currently working with a leading Educational Provider in the UK. At the moment we are developing a Memorandum of Understanding that outlines our roles and partnership. We are hoping to send out a formal media release over the next couple months.
Communication – Communication is an essential aspect and we hope that the Association will bring people together to share ideas and views. ICC Europe would be interested in starting a Facebook page so that people can share views and ideas.
Resources – ICC Europe are aiming to develop resources which will educate and support all ground staff.
Below is the web address for the ICC Europe Website (Groundsman Section); please keep visiting the site as new information is uploaded all the time.
For more information please contact Chris Porter, ICC Europe Regional Development Officer on chris.porter@icc-europe.org or 020 7616 8759, or Tim Simmonite, Cricket Ireland National Development Manager on tim.simmonite@cricketireland.ie or 028 9076 5619.