Cricket Ireland/Stephen Moreton
UKCC Level One (NCU)
15th/22nd/23rd January, Shankill Leisure Centre.
(No spaces available on course.)
UKCC Level One (LCU)
22nd/29th January and 5th February, North County Cricket Club.
UKCC Level One (NWCU)
26th/27th February and 5th March, Bready Centre of Excellence.
UKCC Level Two Conversion Course (LCU)
12th/19th March, North County Cricket Club.
UKCC Level One (NCU)
13th/20th/27th March, Shankill Leisure Centre.
UKCC Level Two (NCU)
2nd/3rd and 9th/10th April, Campbell College
Two other courses TBC:
UKCC Level One (MCU) – Previously Cancelled due to bad weather pre-Christmas.
UKCC Level One (Connaught Cricket Union)
Please complete the application form below (PDF and Word versions available) and return by email or post to Stephen Moreton. (
If you have any queries regarding coaching courses, please contact Stephen Moreton by email or phone – 00353833779208.
Application form for Coaching Courses (PDF)
Application form for Coaching Courses (DOC)